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Sunday Service

Our services are chaired by a member of our centre, and we enjoy the benefits of having either one of our own mediums or a visiting medium to provide their services.


We ask for a free will donation, which is used to maintain the centre. All committee members donate their time.


Spiritual Healing is included in every service and you are welcome to enter names in our Healing Book for absent healing or email a person's name to A first name is all that is required, we do not need to know what the issues are.

Service Format

The chairperson will open with a prayer, and then we sing a song to lift the vibration.


The medium will then read from a Spiritual or Inspirational book or writing which will most likely be directed to by their own spiritual guides.


We then have another song, which is followed by a talk by the medium.   This will usually be guided by spirit and inspired through the medium, on a relevant topic related to the reading.


Spiritual Healing


We sing the hymn Amazing Grace, Amazing Power. Healing stools are placed around the church, and anyone who wishes to receive healing may sit on the stool and one of our Healers will gently touch your shoulders and the healing power will flow through to you. 


You can also stay seated and ask for healing for yourself, your own friends/family, and the earth and for humanity.  The energy will be directed to wherever you intend.


Spirit Communication

The medium will connect with Spirit (loved ones from the spirit world) to give you messages. Our philosophy is to give you evidence of life after death. You could be asked by the chairperson to please allow the medium to hear your voice, as this makes for a stronger connection.  Your loved one knows by your acknowledgement that you are willing for them to allow this medium to make the contact and this will help the flow of the message. You may be asked to answer Yes or No from the medium if clarification is required.  The messages should not offend or embarrass you. Should you not wish to receive a message, you have every right to say no thank you and you will not offend.    


We always have a cuppa afterwards for everyone to join in and have a chat, get to know us, and ask any questions you may have.


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