Newsletter September 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to September. Like a lot of other plans, we also have our up-and-coming Reading Day, services, and classes on hold as we find ourselves in Covid lockdowns. MacKelvie West Spiritualist Church, Upper Hutt Spiritual Church, and Spiritualist NZ Christchurch are all running online zoom Sunday services during lockdown, all welcome.
Here is the message posted on our Facebook if you haven’t already seen it:
To the members and friends of South Auckland Spiritualist Church,
As you know, we are currently in lockdown, therefore there will be no services or classes until further notice. We intend to be back up and running when we reach Level 2, according to government guidelines. Please stay home, stay safe and be kind to yourself.
If you need someone to talk to please contact Matthew Tod on 021 173 6344.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Raw Series - Karena Dixon
Something new, something different in the forthcoming months. I'm going to be interviewing members of the Church and asking them a series of questions to do with their spiritual journey.
Welcome: Karena Dixon. (Previous President SASC)
When did you first become interested in Spiritualism? and why?
The religious options on offer never interested me, so I’d always quietly observed the basic spiritual truths of my childhood.
Have you had any Spiritual experiences that you can not explain?
Well into adulthood I had a year of wow events – seeing a virgin Mary image on the bedroom door; repeat dreams of a medium relative calling me with a message; huge eyes looking at me from across a room, and the owner of the eyes giving me a message from God, and an indescribable experience of being shrouded in pure love and light. I told my friend that I’d caught a glimpse of a spiritual/religious path that I was going to take