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About Us

“I know of one religion; it is service.”

 ~ Silver Birch

South Auckland Spiritualist Church is a registered charity in New Zealand and a registered affiliate of the SCNZ™.   The organisation is run by a committee of volunteers who give of their time freely in the furtherance of spirit’s work, and in their own personal development. 


Our Sunday services, held every week at 5:30 pm are about YOU connecting to the Faith, God, Spirit or Creator of your own understanding and choice.  We have inspired speakers to help us move forward in thought, offer hands-on or absent spiritual healing. We sing to raise our vibrations; we offer proof of ‘There Is No Death’ with Mediums who connect to spirit and our loved ones on the other side to provide messages.


We offer Spiritual Healing, Meditation, Spiritual Self-Awareness and Mediumship development classes. We also host special events e.g. Open/Reading Days, Crystal Bowl Meditation evening, etc. including providing a venue for private workshops for visiting spiritual mediums.

South Auckland Spiritualist Church is a registered charity in New Zealand and a registered affiliate of the SCNZ™.   The organisation is run by a committee of volunteers who give of their time freely in the furtherance of spirit’s work, and in their own personal development. 


Our Sunday services, held every week at 5:30 pm are about YOU connecting to the Faith, God, Spirit or Creator of your own understanding and choice.  We have inspired speakers to help us move forward in thought, offer hands-on or absent spiritual healing. We sing to raise our vibrations; we offer proof of ‘There Is No Death’ with Mediums who connect to spirit and our loved ones on the other side to provide messages.


We offer Spiritual Healing, Meditation, Spiritual Self-Awareness and Mediumship development classes. We also host special events e.g. Open/Reading Days, Crystal Bowl Meditation evening, etc. including providing a venue for private workshops for visiting spiritual mediums.

When you feel you need some spiritual guidance…


When you seek to meet like-minded people on a spiritual journey to learn, grow and love more...


When you want a place of peace, prayer, meditation and healing…


We are here for all who desire to seek and find the peace, comfort and connection to spirit...


Committee Jul 2022- Jun 2023

Minister: Matthew Tod

President: John Bolstad
Vice President: Jennie Henry
Secretary: Denise Marsden
Treasurer: Matthew Tod

Barry Hall
Shelley Hornell
Jayne Anderson


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